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Old 04-17-2017, 04:41 AM  
Hamster Hugger
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: London
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Default Re: How cuddly are your hammys?

My first hamster, Alfie, was a real cuddler. Although when I first got him, he was a skitish as anything, after a few weeks of handling he calmned right down and would sit in my hands.

Sooty, my second hamster, never really sat still on you for long. But, he enjoyed walking over my hands and was really entertaining to watch explore.

When I adopted Scamp, he was already old and had lost a lot of movement in his back legs due to falling from a height win younger. So, I do not know what his personality was like as a young healthy hamster. During his time with me he was quite content to sit on people - though that could have been due to his mobility issues.

My current hamster, Mushu, is still a baby and thus quite skittish. However, I am impressed with how well he is doing so far. He is totally fine with being stroked and picked up, but does not sit still for long. Having said that, he did fall asleep on me the other day - first hamster ever to do that for me.
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