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Old 04-17-2017, 12:43 AM  
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Default Re: HELP !! Ants found in Peanuts Cage

You need to establish where the ants are gaining access to your house and stop them coming in. They will have a nest somewhere outside and now they have located a source of food they will keep following the trail in to take food back to the nest. That is what worker ants do. Watch them for a bit and see where they are coming and going and follow that trail. It may be through a tiny hole or window or a crack in the wall. Once you find it block the access and if possible use some sort of ant powder or gel to destroy the nest. Killing the ones that come in now wont help as there will be many ants that just take over. They use chemical messages to find their way along their trail. You must find that source and you don't want them in your house anyway as they will be in your food too. You may want to call is pest control to deal with them if they are in your own food.
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