Thread: New Addition
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Old 04-13-2017, 06:42 PM  
Hamster Addict
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Location: Alabama
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Default New Addition

Okay so I promised myself I wasn't going to share anything about this little guy for at least a couple of weeks, but he had his first photoshoot tonight and I couldn't resist sharing. If you can bear with me through a quick wall of text, the pics will be at the bottom of this post!

A few days ago I was a couple towns over from where I live for work, and decided to stop in at the pet shop there just to take a quick peek around--I had zero plans of coming home with anything breathing. They had obviously just gotten in a shipment of hamsters--they had like four seperate litters (housed by litter, not all together, so that's one point in their favor I suppose) One of the cages for the dwarves was left open, and when I asked an associate he said the door was broken and wouldn't stay shut, but it was either put them in there, or try housing them with another litter. It was only the top half that slid open, the bottom half was stationery, so no worries about them climbing out, however I though this was a bit skeevy, as just anyone could reach in there.

So of course, I decided to reach in there. I laid my hand flat in the middle of the cage to see what they would do, and rather than running or hiding, all three of them ran up and started attacking my hand. One of the little guys jumped into my palm to attack the base of my thumb, and because I'm weird like that, I instantly fell in love. The associate whipped out a carry-box he had already put together and was hiding behind his back (I joked with my mom that he must know a sucker when he sees one lol) and we put him in there for the ride home. He threw an absolute fit! You could hear him on the other side of the store!

I rushed home as fast as I could and set up my 20 gallon long, which he's been living happily in ever since. I'm currently waiting on my order from Viovet with Burgess Dwarf in it (he's eating commercial dwarf food until then, as bad as I hate it) and a second order on Amazon for some toys and such. I'll post pics of those as they come in

He has no name yet, and I also have no basis for calling him a boy (the store hadn't even sexed them yet, I don't feel confident doing it, and I don't believe my phone could take a clear enough pic for anyone here to help, though if anyone wants me to try I will!) If you want to make name suggestions, I prefer people-names for my hamsters! (And probably an androgynous name, for reasons listed above.

TLDR; Happy Easter from my new unnamed addition, enjoy these pics! **This was a controlled photoshoot, he was not allowed anywhere near the fake grass as it is bad for hamsters. For anyone who may have been concerned**

RIP Aine, Aisling, Dessen, Algernon, Fagan,and Ronan <3
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