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Old 04-13-2017, 08:14 AM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
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Default Re: I'll be getting a Robo today~

You could probably use some sort of concrete mixing tub from a hardware store if it was tall enough with nothing in it that is tall or near edges as well!With robos being so small,you'd only need a container about 6-8" tall if there are things near the edge in a way a robo can climb onto them.

Or for example a cheap cat litter tray can sometimes be 4" tall(standard short sided pan)though I've seen similar things for under $10 here in the US that would also work.I'd say anything with short sides is best used as a taming tray of sorts rather than a play bin type area though,for safety precautions.

I'm not sure how tall the Rubbermaid(maybe Sterilite,I forget)washing trays(bowl holder?I honestly have no idea what the proper term is)are but I know they could probably work as well.Those are cheap too in the US,but something similar is most likely available in the UK.
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