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Old 04-12-2017, 07:32 PM  
Hamster Addict
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Default Feeding a Hybrid in the US

Hello everyone!

I've been reading a bit about dwarf hamster nutrition, and I was hoping for a little help.

I understand that they're prone to diabetes and can't have mixes high in sugar for this reason.

I've seen Burgess Dwarf recommended on here, and while it is available on Amazon, it's quite pricey, shipping would take forever, and it contains sunflower seeds, which I was under the impression were bad?

So if Burgess were not an option, I suppose the next best option would be a homemade mix, but it seems to me that could get very sciencey, what with needing to know percentages and measurements, plus you can't be sure that your hamster is eating everything in the mix in a proper amount, and seems a bit dicey to me. That could just be because I don't understand nutrition very well.

I suppose my question boils down to this: to those in the US, or those elsewhere who feed homemade mixes, what do you feed your hybrids, and why?
RIP Aine, Aisling, Dessen, Algernon, Fagan,and Ronan <3
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