Re: Mushu Mania
Quite a few hams do have little tears in their ears, one of mine does, just from sibling squabbles probably, I think it makes them all the more endearing
Originally Posted by AprilPearl
Thanks for clarifying. So, some more shavings then. Hopefully the extra bedding I just put in will be appreciated too! The pictures actually don't show the huge pile of shavings and bedding he moved to the other side of his cage (the wheel is in the middle of the cage and he has moved a lot of stuff to the half on it's left hand side).
Ideally you want to fill the base of your cage with substrate, especially with a small cage, about 15-20cm is generally considered the minimum depth.
Slave to Zak.
Always loved, never forgotten, forever in my heart
T'ycor, Ziggy, Zephyr, Flynt, Mickle, Little Whisp, Zen, Zeki, Tinwë, Zylvan, Míriel, Calyanwë, Gusto & Meri ❤️