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Old 04-01-2017, 12:31 PM  
Cinnamon Bear
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: United States
Posts: 4,407
Default Re: New robo might be pregnant

Well it has been 11 days now since I brought Paris home from another city. She looks the exact same as the day I first saw her. No babies so far so good. She still looks bumpy in a couple places but she could be a good sized robo. I don't think that she is gaining or losing any weight. So there is a real good chance that she will not be having babies or at least I really hope so.

They might be really cute but I don't want to be responsible for finding them all good homes. I would worry where they would end up and since I'd love them all so much it would be heart breaking to watch them go. Plus I might end up keeping one and I certainly do not have any room left or tanks left for another pet. So I'd have to rehome all of them.

I've been keeping an eye on her, monitoring her body size instead of lifting up her house. But her personality is a little skittish but she will take treats from me and she'll run on the wheel in my presence as well. She's a cute little robo. All robos are cute! IMO
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