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Old 03-22-2017, 06:39 PM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
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Default Re: Chewing the plastic of the cage

That is extremely strange.Could you try another size or shape?The stick type ones might be less intimidating than for example an alligator Whimzee due to being a lot smaller,plus in my experience the sticks are a bit cheaper even if they don't last as long.If not you might want to try adding some sort of food to the chew to make it more enticing,for example high quality no sugar added all natural peanut butter(only use a tiny amount,less than what would lightly coat a fingertip).Or for something less sticky,hamster-safe baby food is wonderful but the chew would need to be removed before it gets soggy.You can also try putting small seeds in the chew(millet works just fine especially with the toothbrush chews),or maybe tiny bits of fruit(freeze dried or safely dehydrated,if fresh isn't a good option).
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