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Old 03-17-2017, 11:57 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 36
Default Sleeping with eyes open

Just wondering if anyone has experienced this before. I've had several hamsters already but never seen this before. Cinnamon will fall asleep with her eyes still open. It's only been in the last few days that I have noticed it. It freaked me out when she was lying on her side with her eyes wide open. She's usually in her normal sleeping positions, head down in a ball or on her side but she will also fall asleep in those positions with her eyes closed. She is close to 2 years old and is starting to show signs of old age in terms of moving around more slowly. She still has a good appetite, gets up for water and food, and grooms but she has no interest in running in a wheel any more. If it makes any difference, she's always had reddish eyes rather than black.
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