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Old 03-16-2017, 12:45 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: England
Posts: 3
Unhappy Have I ruined her trust?

My Russian dwarf is around 5 months old. I have had her since she was 8 weeks. She was really confident and trusting and would happily let me pick her up and come out to see my partner and I when we talked to her.

That has all changed the past month or so and I'm worried it's because I've damaged her trust or she has become scared of me.

She will not come out of her bed anymore when I talk to her or even lightly tap her house or move the substrate. No treat tempts her out. The only way is if I open up her bed, wait for her to come out and then remove bed so she cannot hide in it (which isn't really nice for her). But even when I do this, she tries to hide under any of toys and of none available, she will frantically dig to hide under bedding. You can tell she is panicked.

It's not even a case that I can just enjoy observing her because she will not come out when I'm there. I dropped her from like 3 inches off my hand onto her soft bedding a week or so ago so feel I've traumatised her. Either that or where I live is noisy with the washing machine making whole flat shake. Something I've done has scared her. Is it too late to gain her trust again and if so how do I go about it when she will not come out with me there.
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