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Old 03-13-2017, 10:41 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: My Chinese dwarf hamster has a red lump?

Every situation is different too. It's a difficult time. Our Syrian lingered on for quite some time. Baby food. There's not a huge choice as you need the ones without onion, garlic, tomato or spices.

I had a few different ones I got - mainly cow and gate 4 months.

Tasty Pumpkin and Chicken
A lamb one (can't remember which)
And chicken sunday dinner (I think it was called).
Cauliflower cheese (he wasn't keen on that).

Hipp - sweet squash and chicken

Boots - fruity chicken

Also Ella's kitchen - peas peas, peas and carrot and parsnip.

The 4 month ones are milder and the older kids ones have different ingredients.

The Ella's kitchen ones went down a storm but are mainly water really without much body.

The chicken ones with pumpkin or squash were favourites too.

I used to put it in an egg cup and push the base of the egg cup down into the substrate so it was the right height and stable.

I used the baby food lids to put the science selective in Or porridge or whatever.
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