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Old 03-13-2017, 08:16 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 71
Default Re: My Chinese dwarf hamster has a red lump?

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
Hello. They have reached a good age and it does sound like Pip is failing in some way, healthwise. The lump doesn't sound too good. It could be an abscess, it could be a tumour possibly. I would suggest you take him out of the cage and into a large-ish pet carrier, set up like a mini cage with some substrate and a little house and some food scattered about and a piece of cucumber instead of water and take him to the vets.

Although he is not tame, you could either scoop him out in a mug (it's a one off), or tempt him into a tube or ball with some food and transfer him to the pet carrier that way.

You could discuss it with the vet on the phone first and explain he is not tame or handleable and ask about having a whiff of gas for him before examination (this will knock him out for a minute or two and sounds like the way to go).

Having said all that - you maybe need to make a bit of a judgement as well at this point. Do you think the lump is causing any pain or suffering? If not you could just leave him a bit longer and see how he does. It does sound like vet treatment would be stressful for him at his age and in his condition. Or, you may need to be mentally prepared, before taking him to the vets, that it might be recommended to have him helped on his way xxx

Two and a half years is quite old for a Chinese Hamster really and they are bound to get something.
Thanks for your reply Serendipity, wise points. I am thinking something is hurting him, I can't even pick him up to look at him myself, I saw the lump when he pulled himself up. I'm also wondering if his teeth are ok, as he really doesn't seem to be eating anything hard at, unless it's soaked in his pee, or water.

I really want him to die 'au naturale' like all my other hamsters, can't bear the thought of 'killing' him

His bedroom is a kidney dome attached to his main cage, which I can seal. Maybe I could take him in that, good idea about warning the vets to have some gas ready so she can look at him.

I might leave it a bit longer and see how he goes, hate it when it's the end!!

Poor little fella.

Thanks Serendipity for your reply, appreciated
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