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Old 02-23-2017, 02:00 AM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 4,545
Default Re: Chinese hamster!

The Tamburino isn't too low for a Chinese.For climbing a barred cage will have the most options,and with a height that is easy to work with like in the Kevin there is definitely a lot of potential for climbing toys and levels to make it even more enriching for a Chinese!

It is possible to purchase stainless steel washers and hanger bolts from a hardware store and use your own grape vines to make climbing branches as desired for small pets.The idea was first for birds,but eventually got mentioned in a rat thread.Premade perches might be available,but as far as I remember grape is not very common and other wood(for example mopani)would be unsafe with some types(manzanita I believe)being quite slippery unless sandblasted.Any climbing item would need to be set up very carefully though,with the same amount of caution that Syrians would require except on a Chinese-sized scale!

Tanks and the Tamburino would have one more drawback.There wouldn't be the same potential for roof cover like in a barred cage,which could increase nervousness.It is all very give and take though,for example a tank being extremely heavy and difficult to move where a lighter plastic of some sort or a barred cage would be easier to move.The Tamburino is either acrylic or polycarbonate(acrylic being less durable but still more than durable enough to keep a hamster in,polycarbonate being extremely durable and also a more expensive plastic which I believe is used in the Duna or Zoozone,would have to double check on that!)but either would be excellent and much easier to move.
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