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Old 02-21-2017, 06:19 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Colorado
Posts: 150
Default new hamster extremely itchy

So I posted about my new tortie Syrian that I got about 4 days ago. She loves when Ive been petting her. Having problems with keeping her in my hands but trying. So anyway I let her out today in the bathtub for time with me and she just kept scratching. and by scratching I mean scratching till she is falling over and rubbing her back/butt on everything. She also is excessively and aggressively chewing on things which Ive never seen before but I was trying to take a look at her and IDK if she was scared or that itchy but she bit me really bruised and blood all over which was the first time ive ever had her do that. I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow but my question is could whatever is causing her to itch make her act crazy and bite. Or should I just think she is terrified of me. I'm hoping she isn't going to bite me all the time but now I'm kind of scared not going to lie. After she did it though she was climbing out of the cage into my hand so IDK whats happening. Any ideas? thanks
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