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Old 02-16-2017, 07:05 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Mature hamster Joins the Community

Hello and welcome. Ivy sounds adorable and very much part of the family Our Syrian had his own blanket and was also partial to my dressing gown Obsessive compulsive about bedding sounds normal for a hamster lol! Rule of thumb is - don't mess with the bedding - especially the nest. I picked up some very helpful tips on here along the way and stopped doing full cage cleans. I had the bedding (substrate) quite deep and just spot cleaned mostly and our Syrian used a litter tray as well so I emptied that every 5 days or so. I only did big cage cleans about every 3 months doing that, and then made them into "partial" cleans - so would do the substrate but nothing else. Then another week the wheel, and another week clean the odd toy that needed it. The nest doesn't need anything doing unless it's been pee'd in - they tend to refurbish it themselves.

Anyway it sounds like she is very happy and settled with you all
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