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Old 02-07-2017, 06:30 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Devon, UK
Posts: 132
Smile Toy suggestions for Pedigree Campbell Dwarfs?

I'm hopefully bringing home 1 Campbell Dwarf from a Hamster Show in a few weeks. I got the cage all cleaned and set up today. So far it has a Wheel, cardboard and toilet paper Tubes, the P@H Igloo, the Top of a Rosewood Climbing tower (I have misplaced the rest of it somewhere.), a water bottle, a Lava Ledge under the bottle and a reindeer fabric house from P@H.

I need toy ideas because the cage looks bare ;-; , preferably ones not off Amazon as they need to be here before Feb. 18th so ideally ones I can get in a store. I can't get to a Jolleys, B&M or an Ikea and our Poundlands do not sell Hamster stuff only dog and cat stuff. (My town is awful -.-)

I'm just suck for ideas that a Campbell would like because I'm mostly used to Chinese Hamsters (which love to climb) and Syrians which tend to not play with much and need giant toys, lol.
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