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Old 01-12-2017, 03:14 PM  
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Default Re: Spike, The Radiator Siege & Other Adventures

Thank you for the support guys, it means a lot . I'm glad now that I ended up keeping the leftover food and fitch . If I get a young hamster I'll still use the Rodipet senior hamster mix (I think I have about 400g plus an unopened tub left ) but I'll have to supplement it with extra protein. I haven't decided on where the cage is going to be in the new place, it may be a bit tricky as although it's got an extra bedroom the rooms themselves are smaller. I'll have to see once everything is in, whatever happens I'll make it fit!

Meantime I'm going to finally get around to painting the detolf lid and organise my hamster stuff. I am thinking of lightly wiping down all the wooden things with a white vinegar and water solution and leaving to dry out in the sun just to remove the scent - you guys think that's okay? Spikey passed from old age so I'm not terribly worried about reusing his less worn wooden items. Plus I really like the idea of another ham enjoying the things he used to enjoy too. My heart still hurts but I know I can give some ham out there a wonderful life and that's what I really want to do now .
Hamster Mom to Axel McFluffypants who wears his Scottish kilt proudly.
Forever Hamster Mom to a Syrian Fluff Monster called Spike - now laying siege to all the radiators over the Rainbow Bridge
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