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Old 12-13-2016, 12:36 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: New set up and cage clean

Ok - I just read Blacky's thread about the larvae, so I can understand why you need to do the cage clean. If it hadn't been for that I was going to say - make the changes and just spot clean. It's a tricky one - the change probably will upset him - and might set taming back a bit - but he'll settle again and taming will just take a bit longer.

If you are still worried about the moth larvae aspect then it will need a full clean. I cleaned the inside of my cage with 50/50 white vinegar and water and also poured boiling water over it too (not sure if that's adviseable with a glass tank!) Make sure you clean well in the crevices/corners of the tank where the sealant is - a toothbrush might help for those bits.

So yes on this occasion you would need all new substrate and washing the plastic items. The moth business is a total pain. I think personally I would leave the set up as it is for now and do the big clean. And patiently wait to change the set up!

Part of the reason I say that is you want to be sure you're on top of the moth larvae before adding anything new, as well as the change aspect for Blacky. Hopefully you will be on top of it with the hoard and substrate removed, but if you find you get any more larvae, you may need to sterilise or replace the wood items. Fingers crossed that isn't necessary.

If the current main concern is about where he is nesting you could make a small change after the cage clean - like put the house in a different place, or trying a different house - a shoebox cardboard house eg. Easily replaceable!
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