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Old 12-02-2016, 02:26 AM  
Goldie Flower
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 238
Default Re: Is it safe to keep to Hamsters in the same room?

I have six hamster cages in the same room. Two Syrian hams, three hybrid hams and a Robo! I've never had any problems and I've found that if one passes away the others seem quiet for a while so I think they might actually enjoy knowing there's other animal nearby. I just make sure the cages aren't so close that they could potentially touch through the bars.

Dwarf hams are lovely too, very different from the syrian hams but so lovely in their own way. I definitely would get one to start with though as cypher said, the only dwarf hams I've kept as a pair had to be separated despite being in a massive cage and having two or four of everything. They're perfectly happy living next to one another though!
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