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Old 10-11-2016, 09:17 AM  
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Default Re: All About My Pumpkin

Thank you ...
... cypher , She will always be cute - I'm looking forward to see how big she will grow as she still looks like she got a lot of growing left to do - that reminds me I must try and weigh her. Pumpkin doesn't stay still for long - she always up to something normally being mischievous. She has a lot of fun in her taming session and especially enjoys climbing over me.

... badwolf - Pumpkin is always making me smile and laugh and she looked very sweet in the last two trying to find an alternative way out of the playpen.

... Thin Lizzy , I didn't noticed that she had grown up until I saw the photo I took after I got her - although she is still adorable as ever. I really like the 2nd photo as it shows how much her confidence and our bond has grown - she definitely a friendly sweet hamster

Few Little Updates

There are no taming updates due to myself having a really bad cold which started in Late Sunday evening and I wouldn't want to risk passing it on to her so she hasn't had her taming sessions recently - it a little sad that I can't get her out of her cage and continue her taming as I'm sure she been missing them to. But I will make it up to her when I'm feeling better - today I feel a lot better although I decided it was best not to get her out just in case I still have the remains of my cold hopefully if I feel better maybe tomorrow or Thursday I can resume our taming sessions.
Now for a more positive updates - Pumpkin is still doing really well, luckily I managed to spoil her with some new treats before getting my cold - including a piece of chicken which she loved.
Today I felt a lot better, so when I was out today I made a special trip to my local p@h as I was informed they had their Christmas items in store - I managed to buy most of the items I initially wanted although some didn't look as good as in person, so decided against purchasing them. Although I have a few Christmas items which I bought last year after Christmas for 50% and 75% off - in which I didn't end up using for Sherbet so she will get those to.
Popcorn Syrian

Owning Hamsters since Nov 2007
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