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Old 09-30-2016, 06:31 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Default Re: How a hamster can be with other animals?

I see I was just asking the experience of people with hamster and having others animals at home x3

I know a dog and a ferret are predators, my ferrets got one room for them, and my rats too (obv I was not going to put my rats or my ferrets around my ham lol haha that would be just so stupid).

Althought my dogs are predators my rats never felt that way with them :/ either them, they can't even kill an insect lol

But I guess I'll see when she get home

My house is pretty big, they don't stay together or something like that, that would be so crazy and stupid by me, ferrets got one room (they never go out there unless I go with them out or so) my rats are on another one (which every room obv got a door xD) my rats are used to my dogs so sometimes I let them play with eachother and with my ferrets (with my dogs) they just see eachother sometimes and that all x3 My rats never been with my ferrets or otherway

I got already a room for my ham I was just asking about the experience with ppl with their ham and other animals... :/

Last edited by Nedriel; 09-30-2016 at 06:37 PM.
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