Thread: The Alaska Cage
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Old 09-05-2016, 01:30 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: The Alaska Cage

I had the Savic Mickey 2XL before our current cage and it is a really great cage for a dwarf hammy - lower than the Alaska, and has 7mm bar spacing (suitable for mice so definitely fine for dwarf hammies) and a nice big front opening door. Unfortunately it is ridiculously expensive at about £80 plus and only available on Amazon. But it is the same cage as the Hamster Heaven that Cypher mentioned - only difference is the bar spacing and the hamster heaven has external tubes, but these can be removed and blocked off. You can often find a Hamster Heaven second hand for a good price. The height is 36cm internally so less of a fall risk, especially if the substrate is nice and deep.

Savic Mickey 2XL currently £90 So there are cheaper options.

There are some good cages with small bar spacing available from Amazon in Germany and they ship to the Uk. This one is about £55 including postage. Someone on here has it. It's 100 cm cage with narrow 7mm bar spacing and also a good low height for a dwarf hammy at 35cm tall - more like 34cm internally probably and a nice deep base. It's basically a duna multy with bars at the top instead of perspex really though.

A few options there anyway, but you can't really go wrong with a duna multy or Hamster Heaven.
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