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Old 08-27-2016, 01:12 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Posts: 50
Default Re: Best, affordable cage for a Syrian hamster?

To not make her so stressed when moving her from old cage to new cage try gradually moving her from cage to cage by buying some tubes and hooking them up in a way that your hamster can't escape by scaling them but can still get from cage to cage. That way the hamster can choose to explore and have the option of coming back to the old cage. Let your hamster explore it for a while so that they get comfortable with the new cage and then you can move your hamster full time to the new cage without the hamster being so stressed. Or instead you could take her and make the new cage as a playpen by letting her play in it 15 minutes the first day, 30 minutes the second day and so on until she is very comfortable in the new cage, then you should move her in full time.
Good luck
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