Thread: Everything Zen
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Old 07-11-2016, 03:42 AM  
Dwarf whisperer
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Default Re: Everything Zen

The colour does change as they get older but unless my memory is playing tricks on me which is entirely possible she does seem paler than my other girls, I'm sure they all vary a bit, she's a fairly good size although I haven't weighed her yet so I doubt she's any younger than I was told, I'll just watch & wait with interest....

I do sometimes wonder just how deep they would dig if we let them lol! Until she's well & truly tame though I'm not going to give her too much to dig in, she does have a good few inches, in case I never see her again!
I don't think she's quite got the hang of burrowing yet though, usually the substrate gets higher & higher as they dig under it but she seems more intent on chucking it all out to the front of the cage, there was quite a nice little pile on the floor this morning
She's making the cage her own anyway, it really is her layout rather than mine now lol! As long as she's happy with it
Slave to Zak.
Always loved, never forgotten, forever in my heart
T'ycor, Ziggy, Zephyr, Flynt, Mickle, Little Whisp, Zen, Zeki, Tinwë, Zylvan, Míriel, Calyanwë, Gusto & Meri
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