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Old 06-16-2016, 08:12 AM  
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Default Re: The Pinkies have landed! Litter #1

It's not really normal to be honest. Sometimes they get a shock right after the birth but they usually gather the pups up and thats them confined to the nest till they start coming out on their own. They shouldn't be out the nest as they chill easily and don't last long outside. I'd check every 3 hrs - pull the curtains and try and sheid the cage from any noise or light. Check very quietly and if she has collected them up then don't do any feeds for 24hrs as she has enough food in store. If the pups are still out and dying then she needs checked even at the risk of losing them in case there has been a traumatic birth and she has a stuck pup or a haemorrhage. You need to be very vigilent with the checking and ready to have her vet checked as they can go critical very quickly with a birthing problem.
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