Originally Posted by Fluffagrams
Play sand tends to have been washed and grounded to produce a more rounded grain so it's less likely to irritate a child's skin or eyes whereas most other types of sand on the everyday market will not have gone through this process. I'd imagine that Chinchilla sand will have gone through a similar process to make it safe for animals and therefore I'd only stick to the chinchilla sands or a sand specifically dassigned for use by children. I'd have thought that any good toy shop would sell it as well as larger supermarkets that sell outdoor toys.
My Chineseys don't seem to roll in their sand baths but love to either sit or dig in it. I remember last year when it was quite hot, I'd put some out for May and she just hopped in and sat there for a while to cool off.
Oh okay I see, so I'll stick to children's play sand. I'll try Walmart. I wanted to get the chinchilla sand bath, but the one everyone recommends would cost me $10 (not a problem here) plus $25 shipping (big problem here; it's unreasonable to pay 2.5 times the price of a product just for shipping)