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Old 06-11-2016, 04:48 AM  
Gimleyand Meeko
Hamster Addict
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Question Campell's Russain Dwarf Hybrid Mix?

Hello all,

So currently I am using the Dwarf Hamster Harvest by Burgess for Nutmeg's food and as she is prone to diabetes I need to remove the flaked peas and some of the sunflower seeds (but not all) there is no corn in the mix so that has already been removed but does anybody know of a mix that already has the flaked peas and corn removed??

Thank all,

Gimleyand Meeko
Gimley, Gloin, Bart, Meeko, Gingerbread and Red Eyed Pig Pig you will always have a place in my heart and life. <3
Nutmeg, I shall miss you forever but I shall know you are with me always <3
Proud owner of Flo the Westie x Scottie
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