Thread: Runt care
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Old 06-11-2016, 03:59 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Question Runt care

I'm adopting a runt in a couple of weeks. She's around 7 weeks old and half the size of her siblings. I haven't seen her (not sure if she is a she) yet, but I've been told she eats normally but is very shaky on her legs.

I posted a question in the housing section about what kind of cage/toys to get her, and I've been doing some research into her care. I'm aware of the fact I should incorporate more protein into her diet via things like scrambled eggs and mealworms, and her shakiness means that platforms/climbing on tall things is out of the question at least until she gets stronger.

Is there any extra information runt owners can give me? I'm pretty well versed in hamster care (I've had eight, two of which are with me at the moment), but this is a new one for me.

For example, I've seen suggestions around the forum about limiting access to the wheel (if she can even use it) and differing answers on the chance of her reaching a normal size/ the kinds of health issues she may face as she grows (if she survives).
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