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Old 05-14-2016, 05:09 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Sleeping in his toilet?

I would just put the house back. He's probably used to being in the dark - they like somewhere dark to nest usually. Which house is it? The larger houses do take up a bit of floorspace, but a flat roof one can make a platform which adds to the useable space (so the shoebox one might be an idea too).

I worried a bit when I didn't have much burrowing room in our Syrian's cage because he had a large house and a large wheel, but he seemed quite happy and sometimes they think of their house as a burrow anyway. Now he has both - a large house and lots of floor area, and he likes both lol.

Which house is it that was a bit big? He probably only used the bit furthest away from the door as that bit would be darkest. if you put a bendy bridge tunnel over the door he might use more of it and build a bigger nest.

It does sound like he wants a roof over his head.
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