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Old 05-08-2016, 10:39 AM  
Pink Glittery Hamsters
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Default Re: Back off or persist?

Hi, some hamsters take a long time to get used to everything, especially if they are young. I had one boy who took a month before he was brave enouh to come out when I was in the room, and then several more months of taming on top of that! My current little one I've had since March and though we are making progress it oftens feele like we take one step forward and three steps back as one day he doesn't mind being picked up for a short amount of time and the next he runs away from me! It is taking time, but we are happily in the taking treats frommy hands stage. The rest will come when he is ready! Yours will be the same. 5 weeks is very young and now he has to learn to be alone, as well as get used to you and his new surroundings. He's probably very scared but he will get there eventually
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