Thread: Mouse problem!
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Old 05-01-2016, 11:46 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: Mouse problem!

It isn't nice I know. I had to steel myself . It's a difficult one, but unfortunately wild mice carry diseases. I once went on a week-end course that was run by a Buddhist group - it was a really interesting course on learning how to meditate and dealing with difficult people - almost management style techniques. You stayed overnight though in a big rambling building and there was a large kitchen you could use to make a cup of tea. But at night there were mice running all round the bedrooms and literally leaping around in the kitchen in and out of packets of cereals and tea and banging around everywhere! Someone asked about the mice and the answer was that Buddhists don't believe in killing anything and they were happy to share things with the mice.

While I like the philosophy it was a bit much lol. I told a friend about this, who came up with another philosophy that it wasn't fair on the mice who then had no purpose in life and were effectively on the dole and missing out on learning survival skills and chase tactics.

I did ignore some living in a roof space for a long time once as they didn't seem to come out but then started having light switches fail and was told they chew through cables. So mice and houses don't go well really.
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