Thread: Scared?
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Old 04-29-2016, 07:55 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 7
Default Re: Scared?

Originally Posted by SKB_Hamsters View Post
I have you tried bathtub taming, transport her to the bath in a hamster ball or a mug, let her play in there and then you might be able to sit in there with her eventually, when you feel confident too.
If you are scared of her she is not going to trust you, as animals including hamsters can sense how we feel so if your scared she will more likely will also be scared. So try to think of the positive outcome she may climb onto your hand and not bite you, instead of negative thoughts she will bite. Also try to move slowly around hamsters the faster you move the more likely they will become scared and this could lead to a bite.

However hamster bites are really quite rare, they are more likely to nip which is there way of using their teeth to see determine whether you are food they do make you jump but they rarely draw blood.

But you will need to be patient. Have you hand fed your hamster?
Yea, when I place food on my hand and set it down, she takes it and seems fine. It's just when my hand has no food.

Thanks for the help everyone! I will try to be brave for my little Stewie
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