Thread: Nipping Robo
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Old 04-24-2016, 11:47 PM  
Adult Hamster
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Default Re: Nipping Robo

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
I think sometimes they test anything that is near their nose/mouth to see if it is edible! As freyashamsters says, if you haven't washed your hands first, you could smell like food Especially if you've just eaten a packet of crisps for example. Even if you do wash your hands first, some soaps can smell quite tasty too - some are floral scented or have honey in so some kind of plain unscented or medicated type soap is probably best for hammy hand-washing.

Or it could just be a sign that he is saying "you're invading my space". Our hamster doesn't nip but he will give me a very gentle half nip if I am holding him awkwardly to say he wants to get down. He doesn't like a hand in his cage (unless it has food on it!) and even now I get him out in a tube. He walks into the tube and you lift the tube out with your hands over either end so they can't run out and fall. If he doesn't walk into the tube, a bit of cheese or cucumber or a treat at the far end should tempt him in. Once out of the cage they are less territorial, although I expect with a robo you would need a playpen for out of cage time as free roaming could be too difficult with them being so small.
My Dwarf is the same way, especially if the hand is coming from upwards. I usually use a cup to get him out of the cage and let him walk out over my hands and he's fine that way. How long have you had him?
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