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Old 04-18-2016, 06:04 AM  
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Default Re: Would like a Robo, have questions

Originally Posted by Jasmine2016 View Post
Hello everyone,

I have had Syrians and a Chinese hamster in the past, but have always really wanted a robo, and my dream may just be coming true!

At the moment I am researching and was hoping you could help.

1. I've read that robos need to live in pairs or groups to be happy, is this true? I had also read that they are hard to keep together so best to just have one - bit confused!

2. The cage I have has wooden shelves, if I get one robo I will be using a shelf so (s)he can use the glass tank part to dig and the shelf will house wheel, food, water and maybe a little house thing, I read somewhere that you can use a paint called plasti-kote to seal the wood, make it water proof......... is this safe for robos? Would it matter if they gnawed on the treated wood?

3. Is it OK to give robos straw?

4. I read they need meat in their diet, does the dried food mix (like Harry Hamster for example) provide enough 'meat' or do I need to give them something else to provide that? (I would have to get something special as I have no meat in the house) Would dried meal worms for birds be fine? Or a piece of my dogs kibble?

That's all I can think of for now.
Thank you in advance for your help.
1. Absolutely untrue!Robos honestly don't need to be kept together,in fact it is safer to have just a single robo.They do not pine for companionship like a lot of other rodents do,contrary to what you have probably been told.

2. Plastikote is completely fine for all hamsters,as far as I'm aware.Ask other UK members if you need more on that,kind of difficult being in the US to answer a question on something that is exclusive to the UK sorry

3. I'd say no.It's entirely unnecessary and they will prefer things like millet,seeds,mealworms,tiny bits of chicken(no seasoning etc),nuts,small bits of fruit,and other things instead of straw.

4. Hamsters are omnivores so this is correct Insects are great and there is never a bad time to give different (safe) insects as treats or even plain chicken or turkey.Broccoli is good for protein as well as tofu,but since they're omnivores it is good to have some animal protein for the most natural diet possible.Dried mealworms are great,but I'd advise against dog kibble as most dog kibbles are primarily plant based so there isn't much meat coming from them compared to a piece of chicken or some mealworms.
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