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Old 04-13-2016, 04:13 AM  
Little Luna's Mum
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Spain
Posts: 172
Default Introduction and Advice

Firstly I would like to introduce Custard and Cracker.
They are our Syrian Hamster Niggles Brothers. We have been keeping an eye on them in the pet shop for some time. They only had wood shavings food and water, no bedding or toys and just seemed to sleep all the time.
When Niggle had his second birthday last month we decided it was time to see if we could help these guys out.
The pet shop were very happy to see them go and we got a buy one half price and get the other free deal!!!
Here they are.

I would like to point out that this set up is only temporary while they settled in.
This is where the advice comes in.
We have since added a floor to the cage and a better sleeping area.
Our intention was to split them up when we could get another bin cage made up but they seem to get on so well.
They sleep and eat together and follow each other everywhere. They wait to take turns on the wheel (which they learned to use on day one!) and even cue for the loo!
I know Syrian Hamsters should not live together but as they have been together for so long and seem to get on so well would it be a bad idea to split them up? They are looking much better now and have allowed us to handle them and even brush them.
Niggle was very disappointed when we came back from the pet shop with his brothers and not Birthday presents.
They are such lovely hamsters and we really want to do the best thing for them so any advice would be really appreciated
Many Thanks.
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