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Old 04-11-2016, 10:48 AM  
Cinnamon Bear
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: United States
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Default Re: Sand? How often?

I have Vita Garden in the freezer too lol
Its 17.5% protein if you go 50/50 with Mazuri. So 60/40 would obviously be a little lower on the protein.

You want around 19 % protein (except for older hams, then from what I've learned should be about 17%.

So this isn't good news to me unfortunately
My dwarves don't care for Vita Garden, although (Cypher) may be the perfect diet for Izzy only if she's eating the lab blocks too? If not the protein of 12% for Vita Garden is too low for me.

What I'm going to do is keep 3 of my hams on Kaytee Forti Diet with a little seed mix maybe?

The other spoiled 3 will get a combination of Vita Smart & Higgins (more Vita Smart than Higgins & Mazuri). The 60/40 makes sense. But I'm not going to get too concerned over this. Pet-Co manager didn't recommend Vita Garden as being a good food they sell nutritionally.

So don't mean to disrespect anyone but they won't get 100% Higgins after learning this new info. As long as they eat quality food is what's important.
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