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Old 04-08-2016, 07:35 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Tokyo
Posts: 160
Default Protein and Fiber Supplements

Hi! I'm currently preparing for my first hamster, a Syrian, I have decided.

I live in Tokyo and would really like to be able to buy my hamster food at the store rather than online. You would think it would be doable, but the hamster food at the pet store near where I live is all either extremely expensive or has a very low protein and fiber percentage. That pet store doesn't have mealworms either, and I can't order them online. I will check at other pet stores for more food options and for mealworms (although, tbh, I can't see a Japanese pet store selling something as totally un-cute as mealworms), but do you guys have any suggestions for things I could add to my hamster's diet to provide more protein and fiber? I know hay has some fiber, but is it enough to make up for the lack of fiber in the main hamster food?
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