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Old 04-06-2016, 10:21 AM  
Pink Glittery Hamsters
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Default Re: Being Sweep - the life of a hamster!

This is Sweep! Why are all you human people talking about me?! Anyway, I must have been very very good because last night I found a tiny tiny bit of the thing named "strawberry" AND a tiny tiny bit of "narna"! I was SO happy! I took the "strawberry" to my wheel-thing to sit there and eat. Then I took the "narna" to the square thing with holes in and hid in there to eat it. Then I stood on top of the house to wash my little face and paws like a good boy! I want to know why "strawberry" is named that because it is not made of straw?! The pink human lady says I am getting a new home! I hope she means a new home to live in but still with her, and not a new home to live in with a new human person ... I will be very sad otherwise! Looks like all my attempts to escape may have finally worked! She says I "will be happier" in a new home, but she won't tell me anything about it!!! I want to know!!!!!!!!!!! See you later! Sweep
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