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Old 04-01-2016, 03:25 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 2
Default Is my hamster afraid of me or not used to me?

So me and my Fiance bought a hamster called Daisy. She is a Syrian hamster, very cute and very clever!

When my fiance puts her hand in the cage Daisy hops on no issue, when my fiance holds her little ball up Daisy climbs in fine.

While my fiance was about, Daisy was quite happy with me too.

We bought some little metal type fencing and placed it on the floor with her seesaw and slide and her little stuffed toy, it took her 40 seconds to work out that if she put her foot on the bottom horizontal bar she can stretch and reach the top bar and pull herself out.

I had to hold my hand everyone she climbed over so she could walk onto my hand and I put her back in the which she just climbed out again.

My fiance left for work yesterday and before I went for my night shift I put Daisy in her ball for a bit while I got ready and ate and then put her back in her cage with a little stick of cheese.

When I got back I popped her in the bath on top of a clean towel with her little toys and some hamster food and let her play for 30 minutes before putting her back in her cage. She even licked my hand while I was carrying her.

This morning I got up and opened the cage and held my hand out for her to hop on but she just stood dead still and didn't even sniff my hand or anything and when I moved away she just went into her little bedroom box on the top of the cage. A few hours later I tried again and she just ran very fast to the bottom. She wasn't squeaking or flattening herself to the floor and didn't really look fearful. She sniffed my finger when I poked it a little through the bars and just stood still. I tried to tempt her into her ball before I went to work again bit she was having none of it.

I've come back tonight to see her standing in her cage and I went down to her level and poked my finger through the bar for her to sniff but she didn't even flinch or move. I got one of her favourite seething and poked it through and she didn't even move to sniff or eat it. I sat down on the couch and she sat watching me for a bit before she went into her bedroom box.

Have I scared her at some point or is she just not used to me? I appreciate any advice.

Like I said she doesn't squeak at us and she generally was quite social able with myself and my Fiance. Maybe she will be fine when my fiance is back home from work on Sunday night?

Apologies for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes or odd words in sentences. I typed this on my phone and the autocorrect can be quite frustrating.

Thanks in advance
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