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Old 03-26-2016, 04:41 AM  
Cinnamon Bear
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: United States
Posts: 4,407
Default Re: SPCA Chinese hammie

If I were to get one of the two Chinese hammies, I have a choice between one who isn't as active but rests in my hand until I let her go back in her cage. But in her cage she wasn't as active as the other one, who I saw sleeping out in the open in the top of her cage and I also saw her get a drink of water. The first one I didn't see her do anything but hide.

The second one let me hold her but gently nipped me a little to let me know that she wanted to back to her cage. Cinnamon Bear did the same thing at the pet store, he nipped me a little to let me know he wanted to be left alone and when I got him home he wasn't ever a biter but he likes to stay to himself too.

The SPCA said these hammies weren't handled much, neglected probably, and seeing that they are two years old they probably won't change much, I might be just looking at an empty cage, which the Critter cages are colorful anyways so I can't see in there good as it is...

So the whole thing doesn't make any sense to do it, does anybody agree or would it be nice to give one of them a home in spite of this? Which one would be the better pet? The more active one of the more docile one? Probably the more active one?

Tell me not to do it, again! Flower fairy where are you?
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