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Old 03-25-2016, 12:26 PM  
Hamster Overlord
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: United States
Posts: 693
Default Re: Thoughts on this cage?

I'm in the US too and the easiest thing to do in my opinion is to get a 40 gallon breeder tank or larger. They give enough room for the hamster, and they're easily accessible for us

To give you an idea on measurements, my 40 gallon tank is 3 feet long (36 in) and 18 in wide. Hamsters need a lot more space than our pet shops would lead you to believe! It's very sad really. I was also really surprised, so I'm thankful that I had this forum to teach me other wise. Bernie is in the 40 gallon and I honestly wish I had a bigger tank for him! I also didn't believe I had room for a large enough space, but I did some rearranging to fit his new home in. I'm glad I did. He's a happy hamster, and I actually like how the room is arranged now more than I did before!
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