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Old 03-18-2016, 04:22 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Red face Re: Should a sick senior ham go to the vet?

Originally Posted by souffle View Post
I don;t think it is wet tail. It looks like a female problem which is called pyometra or a womb infection but you would need a vet to diagnose this for sure. The discharge and smell is typical of pyo and she looks a bit swollen up. This is the pus in the womb. It can affect females of any age.
The only cure for this is a spay which would be pretty costly in the USA I imagine and she already sadly looks like ill and may not survive a spay but again you would need a vet.
Often they will prescribe antibiotics which can give a little remission but it always returns. Don't let them make you think it is a cure because it is not as it returns with a vengence. It tends to be a long and lingering suffering for them and my choice, should they not be suitable for a spay would be to give rest before they become really ill.
She's not that old really at 20 months however with no op if this is a pyo she will go downhill quickly and it may already be too late or she may not be suitable anyway if you cannot find a vet.
I do hope you can have her seen though and get some guidance on a way forward.
Originally Posted by Rsclio197 View Post
Oh dear my girl Suzi showed similar sign's to this for a week before excessive blood starting seeping from her bottom, I'm sorry to say she didn't make it. She became so dehydrated through the blood loss and was so weak, she wanted to eat but could hardly make it to her bowl which was right next to her and her food was dropping from her mouth. I had her to the vets 3 times in 6 days to get a fluid injection to replace the lost fluids and anti biotic''s. Sadly she got worse and I feel I prolonged the pain. If I could go back in time I would've had her euthanised. She passed away through dehydration in the end because the blood loss was immense.

I hope she recover's but as soon as there's no sign of recovery after treatment (like souffle said it's NOT a cure) I'd do what's best for your hamster.

It's your choice but I hope you don't make the same mistake I made.

Hamham is beautiful girl by the way Lloraine.

Suzi passed at roughly 31 months old. She lived a long and fantastic life and I'm sure your baby girl has too. Pyometra is a real problem with female hamsters around that age.

Hope your OK Lloraine In these stressful times.

Your doing a great job and it's great to see how much you care for your girl.

Good effort.
Thank you for all your input! I had her checked up by the vet earlier today and I've been told she's very healthy. The vet palpated her abdomen, checked her genitals, teeth, heart, and weight (she's 12 grams). She also had her walk around the table to observe here. I put samples of her stool in a ziplock bag to show her.

According to this vet, Ham may have injured both her hind legs while playing which is why she lacks balance and seems to drag her her lower half. Her hind legs may be dislocated at the hip. I was told that she will recover on her own and I could administer drops to relieve pain, but she believes Ham isn't showing any signs of pain. She found no abnormal swelling and her stool samples look normal. I did tell her everything mentioned in my original post, including the matted fur and white pus. After examining her bum she said it wasn't wet tail nor was there pus being secreted.

I noticed that ham has made some progress in the past day. She is more attentive to her nest and takes time to fix it, and I have noticed that she is starting to groom herself. The fur around her bum which was quite dirty is now pretty clean and so is the look of her fur. She still seems weak, but I make sure she has soft and dry food as well as water. I do hope the vet's diagnosis is correct; she seemed pretty positive. Ham will be staying in her smaller bin while she heals up. Her estimated healing time is 10 days.

After reading so many comments about hamsters dying around ham's age, I started to believe she didn't have more time left, but I am encouraged and I hope she lives just as long as 31 months!
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