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Old 03-16-2016, 03:38 PM  
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 237
Default What are the signs of an abused hamster?

I an asking on behalf of my friend who has just got a new Syrian hamster a few days ago. Him and his boyfriend suspect their new hamster has been abused by the way it is acting. It was apparently very skittish when they arrived to collect it, was okay while traveling, threw a massive fit (squealing, squawking, hissing, grunting, charging at them and so on) when they picked up the carrier once they got home to put it into the new cage and attempted to touch it and tried to jump out of the cage and run for its life when they filled its food and water bottle up and I know for fact why this is. It is because it is 8 weeks old, from a pet shop, never been handed and a whole new foreign environment for it which I tried to explain to them in great detail since I know a lot about hamsters but they weren't having any of it since I wasn't "official" enough. I am basically asking you guys to back me up on this and add on a few things I may have missed so I can show both of them.
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