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Old 03-11-2016, 01:28 PM  
Pink Glittery Hamsters
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Default Re: Being Sweep - the life of a hamster!

This is Sweep! I don't know the answer to your questions, so I will let the pink human lady answer. But I would like to be somewhere so big I never see the same bit twice!

All my hams have been different, and to be honest most I don't remember that much as I was a kid when I had them. The last 2 I had, though, were Duck and Belle. Belle was such a little sweetheart. She was kind, gentle and always made me feel better. I'd happily let her play on the bed and she'd never go too far from me. She really was my best friend. She'd come running up to the bars of the cage and wait patiently to come out. She always decided when she'd had enough play time, and usually after she'd have a little sleep before running marathons on her wheel! I think she held the most special place in my heart. She still does to be honest. Duck, well he was a little mischievous boy! He loved to climb to the top of the Alexander cage and just drop down - he nearly gave me a heart attack! When I let him out the cage he'd happily stay out all night if he was allowed to and as soon as I put him back, he'd come running to the door and want to come back out!
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