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Old 03-05-2016, 12:06 PM  
Adult Hamster
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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Manchester, England
Posts: 278
Default Goodnight Hurricane

Hurricane was pts today at the vets after an examination (where the vet felt a lump near her bladder) the vet said the kindest thing to do would be to have her pts.

Hurricane, i was hoping you would pass naturally but you were such a little fighter you didn't seem like you would but it was obvious you weren't happy. I can't express how much i loved you, you brought so much comfort to me when your big brother, Patch, passed away. You were the second Syrian hamster that entered my life and I'm so so glad you came into my life.

Here are some of my favourite pictures of her:

Goodnight Hurricane, my beautiful babygirl, play nicely with Patch, Cobra and Pyro for me. A piece of my heart will always be with you <3

12/01/15 - 05/03/16
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