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Old 02-26-2016, 11:24 AM  
Nancy's Hamsters
ST's Hamstery
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Default Re: Eyes closed while awake and pee everywhere...

Easy way to solve the Water issue AND find out if it is leaking. Place BOTH in her cage. Place the half filled bowl directly underneath the Bottle sipper. If bottle remains full and bowl empties then you know the bottle is at the least not leaking. If the bowl fills up you will then know(without the cage getting soaked) that the bottle is the cause of the soaked cage. If the bowl remains half full and the bottle becomes empty it will just show you Chopstick prefers her water from a bottle

I would place my best bet on her being diabetic though
Based on your explanation of her getting her name. Most diabetic Dwarfs are highly aggressive to anything about them especially humans and other hamsters. They are in pain and stress, If you know of any human friends or family who are Diabetic you will find when the blood sugar is off balance they become VERY agitated and become angry(some to a rage) until hospitalized and get harsh medical treatment to stabilize their sugar glucose levels. I know of and 81 year old lady who when stable with her sugar counts is as sweet and docile as a newborn lamb. When she felt it was not worth living she let her sugar levels go out of control and actually assaulted a Police Officer when he and his partner came to check on her as she had threatened to kill herself.

Now back from the Hospital and in nursing care she is back to her calm and sweet docile self. Problem with Dwarf Hamsters is there is no insulin you can give them and no medication as to use such needs a blood sugar test daily to determine how much is enough and how much is too much.

You can place her on a strict no sugar diet but then you risk her nutritional levels being off and causing her to be worse then she is now. Wish I had happier words for you.
Nancy,and The ST's Hamsters
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