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Old 02-12-2016, 01:05 PM  
Cinnamon Bear
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: United States
Posts: 4,407
Default Re: Silent Runner video review

I just got my wheel in the mail from Sugar Gliders on e-bay. It came already assembled so I took it apart & washed it & put it in Koala Bears bin cage. I didn't know he had made his nest under his SS wheel that I was taking out & replacing with the new wheel. So I woke him up but the wheel came with sample treats, so I put the new wheel in & he tested it out & he seems to really like it. I gave him a pumpkin seed treat that came with the wheel & all that made up for losing his nest.

I was spot cleaning too, poor little guy had no idea he was sleeping under the wheel or I would have waited. But like I said earlier he ran in the wheel & liked the treat. He just came out again to go for a good run so he must like it!

He doesn't have a nest anymore since I replaced the wheel so why not run on it? Much more fun than the silent spinner, wider running track & fun holes to climb in & out of.

The base is heavy metal so it holds wheel firmly in place so it's stable in the bin with Carefresh bedding. He hasn't stopped playing with it since I put it in his bin.

No need for baby oil as its silent as it is. I put more nesting bedding behind the wheel so he just went back to sleep behind his new wheel.

Last edited by Cinnamon Bear; 02-12-2016 at 01:21 PM.
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