Thread: Monty's thread
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Old 02-01-2016, 03:13 PM  
Hamster Overlord
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Default Monty's thread

I have been meaning to make him a thread for ages now but never actually got around to doing it. Well, here it is!

Monty is a 1 year old sooty fawn, mini lop buck. He is very chunky as you will see in the photos to come
I 'rescued' Monty if you like. I found him on gumtree when I was just having a browse... I saw the photo and fell in love. When I went to visit him for the first time, I just fell in love even more. He was so big, cuddly and squishy for a mini lop! (I think he's actually a dwarf lop, but we'll go with a mini lop)

However, despite his cuteness and beautiful nature, he was kept in a tiny hutch with no enrichment, no hay, no food and a lovely empty, green algae stained water bottle. I got him in November, so the weather wasn't exactly nice. Yet I saw no evidence of his cage being covered over to protect him from the cold rain and wind.

I quickly got him out of that and now he lives inside in a 120cm cage with access to the whole top level of the house in the mornings and evenings which he loves! He also has enrichment in his cage which he has probably never had before.

Despite all of that, he is a wonderful bunny. He's a complete pain though, showing mating behaviours such as circling, running laps of the cage, grunting and spraying. I hope to get him neutered and then he will go and live outside in a 6ft hutch. He will hopefully be bonded to my other male rabbit (god knows how that will go, but I have heard its possible!) if not I will look into getting him a female friend if i'm allowed.

He's made himself quite at home and is a very happy bunny!
He binkies all the time when he's outside his cage and when he's inside his cage, he spends most of his time flopped over, lying down normally, or eating his hay! He clearly missed out on having hay in his previous home as when I put him in his cage for the first time when I got him home, all he did was eat the hay!

My lazy chunkalump :')

Here he is holding my boyfriends hand (well... finger XD)
Boyfriend loves him btw! (Though he calls him Randolf, not Monty!)

This was the first, and last time, he was allowed on my bed! (He pee'd on my pillow...)

If I go downstairs while he's out, he will sit at the top of the stairs and wait for you to come back!
He won't use stairs himself. The time he tried to do it on his own, didn't go too well and he ended up scaring himself XD Lets just say trying to climb up two steps at a time doesn't work for rabbits!

(These photos were actually taken today!)
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