Thread: Faolan's Thread
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Old 02-01-2016, 03:14 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Faolan's Thread

He looks to be having fun! It looks like the 12" comfort wheel - it's fine - better too big than too small! The 28cm Trixie wheel isn't so huge if you ever have a problem with the wheel and need to change it - that couple of centimetres smaller makes a difference to how it looks, but at least the comfort wheel attaches to the bars! The small sputniks are ok if you put them over a shelf so there isn't a big drop from them. Our cage came with one and yes it's a bit small for a syrian so I use it to put Charlie's veg in and he climbs into it easily as it's only a couple of inches above his shelf. The larger rat sputniks are good for Syrians and I have one of those as well. They look massive when they arrive but don't seem so big once hanging in the cage.
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