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Old 01-31-2016, 04:26 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: UK
Posts: 83
Default Biting for first time

Hey guys so my Russian dwarf buddy is a really well behaved hamster, I've been nipped by buddy once before today which was basically my own fault as I put my hand behind him just after giving him a treat stick and knocked buddys butt by accident. I have a few friends over and the hammys got a lot of handling time with everyone, they get handled everyday but usually just me and my partner. But today I got bitten 5 times once drew blood, I didn't do anything different I was just scooping out of the cage as usual, one time I did pick up at a bit of an awkward angle cause I tripped as I was picking buddy up, I then had teeth stuck in me to the point buddy was hanging on my finger I had to practically get buddy off but then within a second was absolutely fine and running around and going to everyone . I'm very confused as its been 5 times today but then been fine again, only when being picked up. I've not got any different smells on me and washed my hands too.

Not sure if it could be linked but recently started climbing up to the top of the bar cage a lot but never did before.? Maybe different smells ? Lots of people ? Tired ? Not sure, I'm jusr worried as this isn't normal for buddy to do. I never even got nipped through taming or anything, have picked up at awkward angles before and been fine....
Thanks guys,

Stay safe x
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